Search Labs: Leading the Revolution in Search Technology

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AI Enhanced SEO Audit and Strategy

A one-size-fits-all SEO strategy is no longer effective for businesses. A tailored assessment is required based on your specific goals, market position, and competition. We assist in targeting your audience and play a critical part in developing the optimal strategy.

Relying on common methods is like flying blind—it's unsafe and could lead to you falling behind. What you need is a personalised approach created by SEO professionals who know your company inside and out, ensuring your success in the competitive post-Covid environment.
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You want a SEO Website Audit

4 components of a comprehensive SEO website audit

Technical Audit

On-Page Audit

Off-Page Audit

Social Media Audit

100% Australian Owned and Operated.
Reverse engineering SGE (Search Generative Experience) with Search Labs.
Providing Pixel Perfect processes to help you out, BARD, BING, ChatGPT - all are generative AI tested in our search lab with the sole aim of increasing your search engine visibility.
These are our 5 most popular products and services


Technical Audit

A Technical SEO audit, at its heart is a complete review of every page, specifically the pages that are served in search engines, and it is to use a host of SEO tools to uncover any technical issues that may be standing in the way of ranking higher for a given topic or keyword. Actually, what would be more true, is seeking any 'blockers' that are stopping or hindering the search engine from completely accessing the content on your website.

Most people stop at looking for broken links or finding low Core Web Vitals scores.

At Search Labs we like to take a slightly different, overarching approach to website audits, and that is to crawl every single page and report on every issue or measurable metric we can identity - including page-speed insights if enough traffic has hit each page.

We use specialized SEO tools (Audit) to do a complete SEO website audit. We use systems that mimic search engine crawlers, and organic traffic so that the experience that is being audited is the same experience served to search engines and served to organic traffic. 

A comprehensive analysis is then presented to you with actionable steps including potential target keywords in a neat little audit report. Subsequent to the audit we can track both your SEO efforts and your SEO performance.
We also provide 'best practice' recommendations so that we can minimize the risk posed by potential issues leaving you with a bespoke search engine optimized website.

On-Page SEO Audit

A focused on page SEO audit, looks at the information architecture of a single page, it may take into consideration some 'off-page factors' like the number of internal links or external back links to a page, or make use of audit tools to determine is the content is in fact relevant content.

A search engine's main function is to present a list of relevant responses to a query. The query usually also includes the target keyword. Your content strategy then reinforces your relevance to this term.

Our on-page audit makes use of a series of bespoke SEO tools that search the web and crawl the top ranking pages for the given query, then run every identifiable factor through a correlation tracking tool. It doesn't matter if it is an information page - like a blog page, or a conversion page - like a product page, we provide insight into 'what is considered quality content when trying to gain additional search engine rankings' We review a mix of both the quality of the content itself as well as they that it is displayed - sometimes a design 'style' makes uses heading tags instead of CSS. You as a client wouldn't know that the search engine uses heading tags to determine relevance or nesting of content. 

Assess website content.

When we assess the content on individual web pages, we do this as a team effort. We can bring the technical know-how to the table, taking into consideration user experience and making use of Google Analytics to track internal customer movement with the aim of increasing search engine visibility. But you have a healthy understanding of your industry, and you can likely create a checklist of features and benefits required from content. When crawling a site, the search engine needs to calculate the value of the content it encounters.

SEO is predominantly concerned with organic traffic, however your website may be getting its traffic from a range of sources. When auditing the website content, we look to align the searchers expectation with the intent of the page. For example we select a information based keyword and then optimize the content on that page to provide information to the searcher - 'information intent' terms tend to have a much higher search volume than 'conversion intent' terms - they increase search engine visibility, or searcher visibility, but they do not necessarily correlate with an increase in conversions. 

However information intent terms do allow you, the website owner to make a pathway for this buyer. You can educate them, then present them with analysis and insights of their 'use case' and then a selection of options to choose from. The kicker is determining what type of education they need. We can assist in creating a content strategy that walks them through their entire buyers journey.

SEO Link Audit

A link audit, sometimes known as a 'off-page audit' (Although we do also offer internal linking audits) is performing a gap analysis of all back-links; their strengths / weaknesses and anchor texts and if required, we can review the copy of the pages that hold the individual back links to determine how that link chain is bringing value to the searcher.

Sometimes back-links were generated to previous versions of a page, no referring to desktop version via mobile version, specifically related to the content on a page. 

The previous version might have been focused on the pricing of a product, whereas the new version is related to the blog, or code snippets.
We also look for links that are unnatural as these are indicative of 'cheating' do with this information what you will, but we believe you need to know what is going on.

Social Media Audit

We make use of a bespoke SEO toolset that can monitor the number of 'likes' that a specific page gets on social media (Facebook). 

We have noticed an increase in conversion rates when the traffic also enters the site via a social media post that has a high 'likes' count. This makes sense, if people react positively to your brand or product on social media then they are more likely to convert. People like content that see as relevant content and social media is a low commitment user engagement signal that acts avenue for them to find your quality content.

We can help you to monitor traffic inflow avenues via your Google Analytics account.

Brodie Triggs Marketing Script Dotch
Brodie, Script Dotch

'The Search Labs' data analytics approach to searches helped us to show that we have what the searcher wants!'

The Benefits of a Website Audit

Sometimes a website audit is enough to trigger change that moves the needle!
When you are mapping out your SEO Strategy, it is best to start with a clean slate, and then draw a line in the sand. Measure change confidently and know why we are seeing shifts. If the water is clear then half og the pathway has been mapped out.

A website audit lets you know where you stand, and when combined with our other audits, over time you can determine where you need to go. There are so many aspects to maintaining a growth focused online business that it can be overwhelming to keep track of everything. However, a website audit helps to simplify the process by providing a comprehensive analysis of your website's performance.

In the past, keyword rankings were seen as the measuring stick, this is not the case anymore - we track volatility and we can see that even if you hold position 1, it most likely isn't in that position all the time.
By listening, marketing will re-learn how to talk.
Doc Searls & David Weinberger
No long meetings

We don't like meetings either, after that first chat, it's all done digitally.
All Managed on Google Tasks and using Google Docs / Sheets etc.

Tasks go on the board and we work through them 1 by 1, you can manage active, in queue and completed tasks. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy! - I am the customer support agent you always wanted.
Give access to all your users

You dictate how many work items exist in this sprint. You can track requests and progress as we go - resulting in optimal throughput of work items!

Hone in on specific website or content areas to improve

Once we have a completed technical audit, we will get a 'pass / fail' scoring on technical issues as well as a 'best case' scenario on what we should do to fix these issues. This will allow you to send tasks out to your developers, or to yourself to fix these issues on a first-come first-served basis. You can make use of Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster tools to find some of these issues, and others that can be found after a successful and complete crawl by AHREFS, Screaming Frog Crawler, SEMrush or SEO Powsersuite website auditor - to name but a few.

At Search Labs, Our primary focus is to enhance your online presence through advanced search methodologies.

Identify on-page and off-page SEO issues

The steps mentioned earlier should take care of the majority of both on-page and off-page issues. If however we have fixed all the things and we are still not seeing the expected movement, we may want to investigate the drivers behind the movement of competing sites. This may include but not be limited to their backlink profiles, the number of internal links hitting their conversion pages, the keywords they have selected and how they are matching their user's intent.

At Search Labs, if we can identify the issues holding you back, then we have already won half the fight.

Analyze competitors

This audit is great if you need to know the level of effort required to actually compete in this market. Our actionable marketing insights will allow you to make those first pages before you 'Go-live'. Our SEO auditing tools can show you what is missing and where you need to focus your effort in order to rank effectively. Our behavioural analytics combined with advanced content analysis tools allows you to see 160+ pre-defined SEO issues and really homw in on user interaction with your content. We allow business users to see how search performace is tied to behavioural analytics, we push you to reduce your bounce rate and take the internet by the horns.
Level up your game with advanced analytics and reporting.

At Search Labs, the top ranking pages are the first competitors to 'know well'

SEO Task List

Put as many work items on this list as you need. We work on them 1 at a time! If I haven't started you can change course and swap items around!

Quick Quick

I don't like sitting on my hands. I work quick.

No hidden fees

Pay the same fixed price each month. The cost dictates the project size. You can always scale up later!

Search Labs: Pioneering the Future of Digital Marketing and technology

Our labs have recently developed new strategies to improve search visibility...

Optimal Traffic, Competition, Website, Call-To-Action Advice, UX & More!

Preparing for Generative Search Search Experiences (GSE) is what we do. This is possibly the biggest advancement in search technology within the last 10 years and we aim to help you stand out. We take data privacy very seriously and can provide a walkthrough on how to provide relevance without sharing private information.


Shouldn't I just employ someone?

I support employing a full time SEO 100% - I cost out at between $200 and $750 per hour, or $1500 per day at a minimum contract duration* of 90 days. With SEO you get what you pay for, cheap website audits are incomplete website audits, there are many cheap SEO consultants on the market, and there are many sites that have been 'burned' - which is not ideal. Our pricing structure allows you to pause and resume at any time. So we are only doing SEO whilst you are doing SEO. I am happy to run any of the site audits at any time.

What are the limitations in place? What counts as a work item?

If you are a paying subscriber, you can add work items to the queue and I will work through them 1 by 1, I don't like wasting time, so I will submit the work item for your team to implement as soon as I can, and then I will wait for you to respond. A work item is a single request, like keyword research, or optimising a single page for a given keyword, or doing a single page audit.

How do I get my work items?

I use Google Tasks, Google Drive and Google Sheets / Docs and Google Looker Studio to both receive and provide work to subscribers. Once I provide them to you, we can iterate until it matches exactly what you want. I try to stay out of your hair, and I provide pretty logical instructions with validation.

How long do I need to wait?

I work quickly, generally you wont wait more than 2 days for the work items to be updated. However if the task is complex, it might take a little longer.  Items are time boxed, and you get 'x' time blocks per month.

Who are the team members in your team?

For 99% of the work its Everhardt Strauss,  I am the person that works with you, sure I use researchers to do some research, or if you want to head down the PPC route I will find someone who does PPC - but for the most part it is me.

Can I put my account on hold? not Cancel, just pause it?

Of course, I understand that with SEO, quite often a change takes a few months to show progress, or you only want to optimize 1 or 2 pages this month, thats fine.  Our billing cycle runs through Xero, so on x day of every month an invoice goes out - if you pause 10 days in, then we prorata those days onto the next cycle when you start up. If however we feel that you are misusing this then - well, we end our happy fun relationship.

What SEO programs do you use? MOZ? SEMRUSH? AHREFS etc?

I use as many tools as  I can get my stickly little fingers on. I rely most heavily on Screaming Frog SEO Spider to review your site, then I use either Frase (First Wash) - then PoP (Second Wash) then CORA SEO (Third Wash) to provide technical and content briefs. I also make use of different TF-IDF balancing tools, as well as LSI extraction data sets.

How do we work together?

I don't really stress about how you request work, I am quite flexible on this one, I personally like using Google resources - we are optimizing for their ecosystem after all - I am also happy to have the odd Zoom or Skype video call - I can even record video podcasts for your team.

What if I don't agree with your recommendations?

I am always happy to discuss the reasoning, most of my recommendations are search correlation based, so it is pure math, the art part is your side of the page - make the math looks good. I say what needs to be present - like ''x' in the navigation tags', and you get to weave it into something beautiful.

I only need you to do 1 thing?

Awesome, I actually run into this quite often, it is the very reason we let you 'pause' the subscriptions. If you can't act on a brief now, then put your plan on hold and come back when you are ready for the next bit - this works better for organic search (as the organic search landscape may change). This is the 'cheapest in the long run' way of getting things done, of course if it's an emergency, then check out the bespoke item order form.

If I don't like the service can I get a refund?

Because we put time and effort and resources into every response - we here at Search Labs offer no refunds. But we can rework your requirement until it matches what you want.
Search Labs® is the leading solution for finding or generating more organic traffic for small and medium businesses and catering to to enterprise organizations and government agencies and organizations. With our Smarter Edge SEO solutions from our search laboratories, you can beat the dull side of SEO and get in front of  more customers by helping them find the bright edge of Organic Search - We make sure that your product descriptions highlight key product features and help your search rank highly, more visibility equals more sales.

Search Labs: Proudly serving clients globally with cutting-edge search solutions.

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